Sponsored Content

We enjoy working with brands to create awareness for their products in the most evergreen way possible.

  • Corporate Brands
  • Artisanal and Lifestyle Brands
  • Stationery and Arts and Craft Brands

Sponsored Blog Content
For brands and companies with a budget, we are able to churn out content creatively for you on the blog. 

Sponsored Products Review 
We love to feature creative lifestyle products that resonates with our audience, community and most importantly our content. 

Please take note that items that are sponsored is exchanged for an honest review and time in content creation. We feel this is the best for us to maintain the quality and value of The Artsy Craftsy brand.

Some of our posts include affiliate links too which means we may receive a small commission whenever a link is clicked or product is purchased. We are financially compensated for some of the products and services feature, or we are also given products to personally experience them or to be given away to our readers. 

We would like you to know that The Artsy Craftsy's content and followings are 100% organic and authentic offline and online as a lot of creative effort and genuineness goes into it.


Our Demographics:
Gender: 85% women and 15% of men
Age group: 18-24 years old, 25-34 years old and 35-44 years old
Countries: Generally Malaysia, United States of America, India
Locally: Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

Past online work for our partners

Some of the brands that we have worked with or partnered with

Disclaimer: As a registered company, The Artsy Craftsy deliver its services professionally and passionately. Should there be any request to collaborate or advertise, we hope you understand that there will be a fee charged. Other available advertising and partnership plans include brand ambassadorships, paid reviews, event coverage or announcements, social media mention and more. The term "Sponsored Post" or "Sponsored Review" or any affiliation will be disclosed.
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