Revamping Your Home? Six Cool Wall Painting Ideas that will Turn Your Walls into Art

With the release of several home decorating original TV series on Netflix, decluttering and home organizing has been trending and almost everyone that I know are trying their best not to hoard. But if you are thinking about revamping your home without having to fill your space with more decorations, how about redecorating your walls instead? Wall painting techniques are actually pretty fun to explore with. There are plenty of wall painting technique ideas to steal be inspired from online, especially on Pinterest. All you need is some planning, and with the right colour combinations, you are good to go to start your painting project.

1.  The Sponging Effect

The sponging technique is one of the easiest and most popular painting technique. For those who are new to the DIY painting method, they usually start off with the sponging technique because of how quick and simple it is with online tutorials to follow. You can create distressed-like effects on your wall with a matching two-tone colour that is similar to the dry brush result.

Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Half Painting Style

Don't be mistaken that this technique is about being too lazy to finish the upper part of the wall, haha! The half painting technique has a lot to do with the colour combination (or like colour blocking). Personally, I think it gives an artsy touch to the minimalist feel in the room. It is definitely an easy project to achieve; all you need is masking tape and the right colour to match your room. Keep in mind that the colours have to contrast one another. For example, if you are going for a zen theme, choose a light, silvery grey tone and white. Measure your wall, tape it half all the way and start painting!

Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Wall Quotes
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Wall quotes are the easiest to go with. If you like having something inspiring to look at every day, then wall quotes might be a good option for you. There are two ways to DIY your own wall quote: you can turn your wall into a chalkboard background and write daily quotes & doodles, or you can purchase ready-made wall quote stickers.

Difficulty Level: Medium (if you are planning to do your own lettering)

4. Ombre Wall
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One of the personal favourites! The ombre wall technique is a stylish and refreshing concept. This technique might be a little challenging for beginners but fear not, because, with the right step by step tutorial, you will definitely be able to do it yourself. You will need to have good brush control to get a balanced shade of dark to light. Remember, that with ombre wall techniques, it is all about gradient and colour tones.

Difficulty Level: Hard

5. Wall Stencil Technique

Wall stencil technique allows you to create a much more orderly, repetitive pattern on your walls. You can either learn how to create your own stencils here or buy ready-made ones. Of course, making your own may be tedious compared to ready-made ones because you would need to cut it on your own. However, DIY stencils do give you the freedom to design your own wall patterns.

Difficulty Level: Easy

6. Stamping Technique
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The stamping technique idea may be slightly similar to the stencil technique, but it is definitely less tedious because it doesn't involve much cutting. You don't have to buy the stamps if you don't want to, instead you can learn how to make your own stamps here. DIY stamping involves a little bit more planning because you are required to look for the right pattern or shape with objects around you.

Difficulty Level: Easy

There are many wall painting technique ideas to check out online and explore with. Once you get the hang of it, you will definitely have a lot of fun with this painting project. Happy painting!

Check out my Pinterest board for more wall art ideas!

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