Six Simple Ideas to Get You Through a Sales Slump

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The month of March is here and the holiday season is truly done and dusted. Shoppers who have overspent are in saving mode and those who have stuck to their budgets are unlikely to splurge when there’s no special reason to do so. But as a business owner, you need to stay afloat and keep going all year round. We put on our thinking caps (so you don’t have to!) and came up with some ideas to help you through a sales slump.

Tip #1: Create something new

You don‘t need an occasion to have a limited edition product. Refresh an existing product line or tweak one of your best-selling items with special features to entice shoppers who may otherwise scroll past your product.

myBurgerLab created not one but three new burgers, “I Am Kambing”, "Waterballoon" & "Cthulhu" specially to kick start the first quarter! Put on your bib and start drooling here
How could anyone pass on the chance to chomp on these delicious creations. Photo credit: myBurgerLab

Tip #2: Enhance your website

Take advantage of the slow season to do some digital housekeeping. It could be giving your product photos a different treatment, or optimising your website with faster loading time, better keywords, mobile-friendly features etc). So when the shopping season comes round again, you’re all set to capture the add-to-cart crowd.

Fashion Valet added a quick view tool to enlarge photos for close-ups
Zoom in on the details that matter. Photo credit:

Tip #3: Get social

By social, we mean going beyond social media. While it is great to throw a little giveaway campaign on Facebook or host a hashtag contest on Instagram, sometimes you just have to socialise with actual humans. Look out for upcoming markets and book a spot to showcase your business. If you really can’t find a physical market near you, consider joining an online market community like Shoppertise Marketplace to reach a wider crowd.

There are a few markets coming up. Here’s a good place to start.
Sometimes you need to socialise to strategise! Photo credit:

Tip #4: Mix it up

Collaborate with other businesses and give each other a shout out. By tapping onto a ready community of entrepreneurs, you’ll reach new followers and contribute to the overall growth of the online business landscape. Customers also love it when they see their favourite stores offering exclusive tie-ups/deals alongside other interesting brands. It’s a win-win for all involved.

To help raise brand awareness of the Japan’s Shinkansen (新幹線) in Malaysia, The Alphabet Press - TAP worked together with Japanese rail executives to create a collection of merchandises for an event happening at Isetan The Japan Store KL from 16th Feb - 9th Mar.  Get inspired here.
3 of these visuals are actually connected together to form a full picture! Photo credit:

Special edition is a great chance to show off your brand’s character. Photo credit:

Tip #5: Analyse and prioritise

Take a step back and identify the roadblocks in your business. List down the tasks that take up most of your time and identify cost-effective ways to automate or outsource them. For example, if design work is driving you nuts, try engaging a virtual designer on Supahands or use easy platforms like Canva. Or if managing your inventory is the most time consuming task, use an app like Pocketbook to help you track your orders in real time and on-the-go.

Track your next million dollar deal! Source:
You can finally get a grip on your orders. Source:
Tracking payments is easy peasy. Source:

Tip #6: Take a productive break

We hear you asking, “How can a break be productive-ah?”. Well, when you’re relaxed and not thinking about your business, you may find that your creative juices actually start flowing better! Many creative people take sabbaticals every now and then to be inspired for their next creation or product line. Grab a sketchbook and book a stay in the countryside for a few days. It may be just the thing you need to see your business in a whole new light. Furthermore, travelling during the off-peak season could save you some precious ringgits too!

Imagine lazing on a hammock in Langkawi, generating inspirations for your next creation.

Imagine lazing on a hammock in Langkawi, generating inspirations for your next creation. Source:
If you have other ideas on how to rock the slow season, leave a comment on Facebook and share it with the community! Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter here to get more useful tips and tricks delivered straight to your inbox.

*This post was originally published on

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