Chatterbox: A Chat with Be Good

There are businesses that start with a business plan; and there are those that just spring from the heart. Be Good is one of the latter. We caught up with James Wong, the man behind this upcoming skincare brand and asked him to share a thing or two about his entrepreneurial journey.

Be Good bodycare - Christmas Edition.  Photo credit: Be Good

What inspired you to start your own business?

I didn’t set out to be a business owner. I was actually going through a low point in life, and while searching for some optimism, I recalled my childhood passion of aromatherapy. First, I created a simple lip balm to use before stepping into a challenging situation. Somehow I felt better and braver. With encouragement from my mum, friends, and customers, I continued to experiment with other products like lotions and body scrubs. One thing led to another and it became a business.

How did you decide on the name Be Good?

Be Good is the reason why this business came about. The name acts as a reminder to myself, that we need to Be Good to ourselves and the world, and not be consumed by the negativity that surrounds us. The products personify the brand and its purpose.

Be good to yourself and others too. Photo credit: Be Good

What are the ingredients used in your products? How are they different from other handmade skin care?

The key ingredient is essential oils; blended to smell good and emit feel good properties. I really believe in the healing properties of essential oils.

Thieves Essential Oils to keep nasties at bay. Photo credit: Be Good

Do you create customised products or packaging for special occasions like weddings or baby showers?

Yes, I will work with customers to develop a unique scent and a special packaging. Usually we will sit down and discuss the emotions and scents that we would like to capture, and create the product together. Each scent is unique!

Be Good custom gift basket. Photo credit: Be Good

Why do you think it is important to bring your business online?

Being online helps us keep prices affordable so that good body care products can be accessible to more people. Good things are meant to be shared! Ultimately we want customers to benefit.

Beyond that, we are a very digital nation, and the world is also connected digitally. Hence, an online presence is a great way to welcome more people to try the brand.

Which do you think is most effective platform for reaching your target audience? Facebook or Instagram?

Facebook and Instagram have different audiences and play different roles. Both have been good for us.

What excites you most about being the owner of Be Good?

Being able to create something that helps people feel better about themselves. Also, as the owner of the brand itself, I am able to drive its direction as a socially and environmentally conscious brand. Being able to make a positive impact really excites me.

You recently started Be Good Living. What inspired you to do so?

It has always been my dream to propagate positive living in all aspects of life i.e clean eating, mindfulness, and exercise. Be Good living is an opportunity for me to bring the brand to closer to that vision and extend the product experience. Most importantly, it gives everyone the opportunity and reason to take a break and treat themselves well, without having to spend too much. And they can do all this in the company of Be Good products.

Be Good Living. A space to treat yourself. Photo credit: Be Good

If you could pick a celebrity to collaborate with, who would you pick and why?

Tyra Banks, Oprah or Ellen because they stand for female empowerment. So fundamentally they would want the best for women all over the world. 

Lastly, being Malaysian, we have to ask: What’s your all-time favourite Malaysian food?

Penang Laksa!

--- Give your body a treat this Holiday and pick up something from Be Good’s online store

Note : BeGood will be ending its operations in December 2016. There are some special offers right now so grab some goodies before they are all gone!

*This post was originally published on
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