Primila Ganash on Spreading Love through Handmade Bath and Body Products

Self-pampering and body loving is part of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. We are constantly surrounded by other energies, and there's only so much your vessel (body) can absorb. Naturally, you would feel the need to disperse it and the best way that I would suggest is to pamper yourselves with a good body-loving session.

Primila Ganash, the white magic maker behind Love Is, is the purveyor of natural handmade bath and body goods. For centuries, women are known to be natural creators of crafters & artisans, born with kindness of light & love. When I met Primila, she reminded me of this and blessed I am to be born a Woman.


1. What is your day-to-day like as a creative person? How do you juggle your tasks, projects and personal life?

To be honest, the day job I have doesn't really allow me to be very creative because of its nature. Finance and managing money is not exactly something to be creative with, however because I work banking hours, I take the hours as an advantage where I get evenings to myself and I’m able to work creatively in the comfort of my home.                                                                       

2. All creative people have their own toolbox. What’s in yours and what are your favourite tools?

My toolbox has the kind of items you can find around your kitchen; bowls, spoons, spatula, electric hand mixer, whisk, Pyrex jugs and small sauce pans.

The magic happens mostly in the Pyrex jug, so this item is my favourite.

3. Fill in the blanks and complete this sentence: “Whenever I am creating art, I am…”

“… I am ecstatic.”

4. Describe your creative work with just 3 words:

Naturally beautiful always.

5. They say creative people are eccentricweird; so, how weird can you get?
I guess I am a bit weird. I love sunflowers instead of roses. I think they way others don’t. I question the reason for my existence. I laugh while watching horror films.

6. Name your top 3 favourite books for ideas:

The Green Beauty Guide – Julie Gabriel
Make Your Place –Raleigh Briggs
Home Made Body Butter – Anna Ward

7. Music mixes are awesome! What’s your music playlist when you are creating & making art?

Susie Suh, Lisa Hannigan, Lelia Broussard, Lykke Li, Mindy Gledhill & Angus and Julia Stone.

8. How do you organize your creative ideas & inspirations for reference?

I write them down. Sometimes I wake up and I’m inspired, I grab my phone and start typing in the notepad application. Other times, I just try to remember and torture my brain trying to recall that idea later on.

9. What is your favourite place to go-to for inspirations?

I get inspiration just about anywhere. While waiting for the train, while watching people, listening to people around me talk, I can go anywhere and there will be something that makes me want to do things a little better, a little more meaningful.

10. I SPY with my little eye:  Who’s your favourite creative person (artist/crafter/baker, etc.)?

That would be Anne Marie from & Soap When I first saw her making soap, I was totally bought.

11. If you didn’t discover this creative interest, what would Life be for you?

Different. I wouldn’t have met all the wonderful crafters who are just like me. I wouldn’t have discovered that I had it in me to be where I am today.

12. How your creative passion inspires you?

When my customers come back to me, and they tell me how wonderful my products are, how it works for them and how they just love the fact that there is no chemicals to the point that some products are even safe in case of accidental ingestion, is truly what drives my passion to share what nature has given us with everyone out there.

13. What was the most difficult part of running a creative biz?

This business takes up time and effort. The time to make products that deliver good results and the effort put in to make these products available to the community. And sometimes, I forget to eat when I’m caught up making something.

14. What sort of lessons do you learn from it?

If the heart is filled with good intentions, everything sowed with heart will yield a good harvest. Be grateful that family and friends will always have my back. Be humble and always remember those who have supported & believed in me.

15. What is your Kung Fu style to fight creative blockages?

Listen to music, read a new book, meet a friend that I have not met for a long time, go dancing.

16. Give the readers some love! Do you have any tips, advice or words of wisdom?

Nothing is impossible. Do what you love. Life is short and yes, it is all about you. Its not the end of the world if you are down, get back up and show them who’s boss.

17. Daydream mode ON! What do you want 5 years from now?

A store that offers space for creativity. All art makers are welcomed to showcase their art and crafts, display them at the store and make it easily available to others. 


Follow more of Primila's craft on Facebook and Instagram 

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